CSLB #996218 | (916) 747-5654 | info@amheatingandairconditioning.com
Whatever exterior home application you may have,(in this case stucco) over time you will develop cracks or separations typically at corners or around framings of windows and doors. This is due to the home foundations settling and these framings are a path of least resistance causing cracking to occur and continue to spread. Unfortunately these cracks now are susceptible to water infiltration during the rainy season and can cause dry rot as well as mold damage which if you are not aware will spread once it starts. This is why it is so important to preventatively fill these cracks before the rain hits. In this case we are using a brush on application stucco patch by Shur Stik. There are many different ways and products for patching however this is one is my favorite applications. Lastly dont forget stucco or any siding is only as strong as the paint protecting it, be sure to re apply coats of paint to your home as needed. Once your siding is saturated there is typically only 60 minute rated paper underneath and once its saturated its zero rated. Hopefully this is helpful for the do it yourselfers and as always A&M is available if anything is out of your comfort zone. 😉🇺🇸
Adam C
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